Mr P's SMART Board

One teacher's record of the implementation of a SMART Board Interactive whiteboard into a primary school classroom. For links see the Simply Science FURL. For science education try Simply Science site. For ICT check out My Other Blog. For one with the lot then go to my Suprglu archive.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

The Lab-substitute

At our place we have a nice computer lab that has 27 desktops and a data projector which is used to "teach" applications. Of course it is also heavily timetabled with very few chances for the "off the cuff" teaching as the moment requires. At the moment we are exploring blogging and wikis. Over the weekend I became aware of a great wiki based project called Wikiville. It was the perfect platform for introducing my new class to the concepts of wikis. Of course our lab time is on Friday so normally a whole long week would have had to elapse before we could explore the world of wiki.

With the board however we had no such problems and soon we were exploring how a wiki worked. Switching back to the Notebook we began constucting our first entry by dot pointing and then expanding them into statements. We then manipulated the sentences into an acceptable order before copying and then pasting them into Wikiville, all within the hour session. A number of children were so taken by the experience that they went home and added to the wiki from home. On reflection doing the intro via the board and using the Notebook was far preferable to doing something similar on the lab and we did it "just as the need arose".


Blogger Graham Wegner said...

John, your start with Wikiville sounds ideal using the IWB. So the idea was to get the first entry as a class collaboration? Sounds very purposeful - I used the IWB this afternoon to come up with a mind map of our negotiated curriculum research topic. It is a great collaborative tool and records what the class decisions were. Keep up the IWB stuff coming - the good and the not-so-good!
Graham Wegner

11:04 PM  
Blogger Khola Janala said...

I just found your blog and want to say thank you ! It is really nice post thanks for sharing and just keep up the good work !

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10:50 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I just found your blog and want to say thank you ! It is really nice post thanks for sharing and just keep up the good work !


6:36 PM  

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